Sunday, May 10, 2015

Project Overview

1. What was your favorite part of the topic you chose?
I surprised myself that I could acutely learn more about this. I thought it was going to be a quick answer like "Just believe in yourself", but I learned much more. Learning new things was my favorite part.

2. What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose? 
At the beginning I really didn't know what I was acutely trying to learn.

3. What do you like best about Genius Hour research? 
Like I said in my previous answers, learning new things that you didn't know. I like that we get to choose our topic, and we choose in what way we want to learn the information. I believe that this is a great way to learn.

4. What do you like least about Genius Hour research?
It's hard to choose what you acutely want to learn. It's hard because we are used to being told what to research.

5. What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn, or research in general as a result of this work?
I learned that if I acutely research about something that I'm interested in I acutely take the time to learn about it. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

My thoughts about my project

This is the last week we will be working in our Genious Hour project. In working in this specific project I've learned so much, even more than I thought I would've.

At the beginning of this project I didn't really take it seriously. I thought about just saying what everyone says about insecurity. "You just got to believe in yourself" or "Nobody is perfect" and all that stuff most people don't mean.

After acutely reading one article about insecurity and how all of this effects us, I started to do more research and started getting serious. My teacher, Mrs.Heckert, helped me a lot. She gave me really great ideas, which helped me go in one direction and acutely focus in a specific idea.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Perfection with Insecurities

I have noticed with every article and free response in my survey it always has to do with being perfect. Everyone has a unique and different view of the perfect image. We always point out our flaws but we usually never point out what we love about our selfs. We have to embrace what we have and be thankful that we do have that.

I also have noticed that most things we are insecure of is because of society. We always see the fads and what is trending, we see all this skinny and perfect women and this supper muscular guys and we want to be like them. We take the opinions of other to our head and see their judgement in everything we do. This is why so many people don't live their dream or go beyond what they can do, because of judgement.

Most will rather stay in the shadows than be in the spotlight. We don't want to be outcasts!!  I believe that nobody is perfect, but we are perfect in our own way. I am not saying that we don't have to change, but let's change for the better. Let's be better than we were yesterday and the day before that.                                                                                                                                                          

Thank you for everyone that has come back to my blog and seen my reserch.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Progress: The survey

 Hi! this week has been very productive.  I found an article about the common insecurities in people. Most insecurities are based on outside apperance.

I got the great idea of making a survey by my teacher, Mrs.Heckert. We got the word out and many took it. The thing that made most people insecure is their weight. There was a blank response box and the things said were very suprising. Thank you for your honesty.

I want to response back to the ones that said the thing that makes them more insecure is their scars. I want you to know that  there is people here for you.  I know I don't know you and you may believe people don't care, guess what, we do.  If you haven't talked about this with someone please try to find help. We are here, I'm here, and we will help you get out of that dark place.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Please Take My Survey!

Take my anonymous survey on insecurities!
Please take my survey, and be honest! It will help me on my research. It is totally anonymous!
Thank You! ☺

Sunday, April 12, 2015

What Are Insecurities?

  The generation we live in is so caught up in the outside appearance. Everyone has this "perfect" image of who they should be. This results in self judgment and rejection. Which make them have insecurities about themselves. I want to learn why this makes us so self conscious. Why do we make this "perfect" image? What makes that "perfect" image so "perfect"? Why do we have insecurities?

  I choose this specific topic because it relates to the real world. Many people's insecurities causes them to self harm, attempt and commit suicide. I want to learn why their insecurities, and their minds make them think about death. Why do we even have insecurities? What can we do to gain confidence?

  In my research I 'm hoping to find the answers to all my above questions. I would like to learn how to help people regain their confidence. I want to learn how to overcome insecurities. I want to be able to answer ",What are insecurities?."